Are fleas ambushing you at home? Mr Pesty can help…
What you can do
- Clean animal bedding and the general surrounds thoroughly.
- Treat pets regulary with flea treatment from your vet or pet store.
- Strip and thoroughly wash all Manchester in hot water and hang in sun to dry or use commercial dryer.
- Vacuum the carpets. Throw away the vacuum cleaner bag, since it will contain fleas and eggs, or use a surface spray into the bag.
- Steam Clean the carpets to assist in removing the larvae.
- Maintain hygiene practices (regular vacuuming, keeping pets free of fleas and so on) to prevent another infestation.
- Maintain lawns and gardens.
What we do
A qualified pest controller can determine the type, source and extent of the infestation, then use registered insecticides to control the fleas.
Mr Pesty will use a registered insecticide to carry out a Flea Treatment by doing a Blanket Spray of your home and external and affected areas

Termite Control
Mr Pesty offers a range of Termite services, this section will give you all the information your need to choose which services suits your needs. Visual Termite Inspections Pre Purchase Inspections Termatrac Visual Termite Inspections Pre Construction Termite Protection Bayer Kordon® Termite System Post Construction Termite Protection Termidor by BASF ...

Cockroaches, Spiders, Ants? Then a General Pest Treatment may be the best option for you.

Are you finding ant trails around your home? Perhaps in the bathroom, kitchen, coming through your down lights? Have you spotted a nest in the back yard? Mr Pesty can help...

Have you got rodents? Often the first thing you will notice is sound – squeaking, gnawing or movement in walls, cupboards and ceilings, Mr Pesty can help..

If you are seeing cockroaches in or around your property Mr Pesty can help.. Cockroaches are found all over the world. There are more than 3,500 species of cockroach. The most common varieties in Australia include the German, Australian, American and Oriental cockroaches. American cockroaches are large and ...